About me

I am a young Full Stack developer, mainly based on JavaScript/TypeScript. I have learned self-taught, constantly, willing to improve to achieve my dreams.

I had started a career in Biology at the UCV, but I stopped because it was not the career I wanted and in Venezuela it is difficult to choose and be able to study the career you want to pursue, I hope to have the opportunity to obtain my degree in Computer Science, I would like to specialize in Neurocomputing.

I have knowledge in Design Patterns, Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Version Control (Git), as well as multiparadigm languages ​​(JavaScript, Python), low level (C, Rust) and in-demand frameworks/libraries (React, Deno, Sass ). Focusing on Full Stack development (Frontend and Backend).

I like basketball, martial arts and reading books and articles that make me grow as a person or professional.